Vesma, Gujarat, India
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad School
This school based in Vesma, Navsari District, Gujarat, India, runs almost completely on charitable donations supporting orphans and children from poor families and/or suffering other hardship. It has been developed and running for over 15 years and facilitates a mixed-primary, a girl's secondary, and high school with an increased intake of over 500 children residing from over 25 nearby towns and villages.
Education in India is not accessible to a lot of families and their children due to economics, logistics, or other hardship struggles. Many of the children which are affected tend to be girls, with their safety, health, and/or long-term career paths also being another common obstruction to receiving their education and achieving their full potential.
This school was built, implemented, and continuously helps many children and their families regardless of their background. This was achieved through the ambition, courage, and support of the late Suleman Patel, his son late Ismail Patel, and family, as well as relatives, friends, and the public, from nearby and globally.
Currently, it costs around £150 per child per year to support with the main priorities being payment for teaching, learning, transport, administration, maintenance, and utility bills. It will also cover costs for providing uniforms, exams, stationery, books, equipment, and travel to all eligible students.
We at Vesma Education trust also hope to continue this project and also increase this opportunity for more children.
The trust and school welcome Islamic charitable donations also and if you do opt for this, then please state in the comments or in a message which category this would fall in. i.e. Zakaat, Sadaqah, or Lillah.
The school also has a registered charity trust which is registered under the foreign contribution regulation (FCRA registration number 042100152) for donations from local and/or abroad.